• Environmental indicators


    Grey cementUnit20242023202220212020
    CO2 emissions - Scope 1kg/t cement632655672684718
    Reduction compared to 2020%-12%-9%-6%-5%0%
    Clinker ratio%77%79%80%81%82%
    Traditional fuel use%66%67%68%70%72%
    Alternative fuel use%34%33%32%30%28%


    White cementUnit20242023202220212020
    CO2 emissions - Scope 1kg/t cement859846886919915
    Reduction compared to 2020%-6%-7%-3%0%0%
    Clinker ratio%80%79%81%83%82%
    Traditional fuel use%80%82%85%85%85%
    Natural gas use%18%16%13%12%12%
    Alternative fuel use%2%2%2%3%3%


    Other environmental indicatorsUnit20242023202220212020
    Fossil fuel replacement index1%23%22%21%20%19%
    Specific water consumption2Litres /ton cement373387402413445
    Reduction compared to 2019%-22%-19%-16%-14%-7%
    Specific water consumption in high water stress areas3Litres /ton cement241253270285292
    Reduction compared to 2019%-17%-13%-7%-2%0%

    1Alternative fuels used / total fuels used for the production of grey and white cement. 
    2Water consumed / cement produced by the Group. 
    3Water consumed in high water stress areas / cement produced by the Group in high water stress areas.

  • Health & Safety


    Health & Safety1Unit20242023202220212020
    No. of fatal injuries2No.00000
    Fatality rate3
    Lost Time Injuries LTI4 1717255660
    LTI Frequency Rate5
    LTI Severity Rate6

    1All Health & Safety indicators refer to employees.
    2Deaths as a result of accidents at work.
    3Fatality rate: (fatal injuries/hours worked) x 1,000,000.
    4LTI: number of injuries with working days of absence.
    5LTIFR: (injuries with working days of absence/hours worked) x 1,000,000.
    6LTISR: (working days of absence/hours worked) x 1,000.

  • Other


    Number of employees (at 31 Dec)1 3,1233,0863,1213,1243,009
    Training hours per capita 23.525.922.012.211.7
    Voluntary turnover rate%7%11%11%n.a.n.a.

    1The number of employees includes 100% of SCT even though, in the Directors’ Report, the subsidiary is proportionally consolidated (as it is jointly controlled at 65%).

    Relevant certificationsUnit20242023202220212020
    Certificates ISO 14001 – Environmental Management SystemNo. of cement plant9/118/118/118/118/11
    Certificates ISO 45001 – Health & Safety Management SystemNo. of cement plant11/1111/1111/118/118/11
Last update: