We generate value for local communities, listening to their voices and building relationships on the basis of transparency and accountability.

Building valuable relationships with governments, institutions and local communities in the countries in which we operate is one of the pillars of our sustainability strategy. We cooperate with local communities to generate collective well-being, we are also committed to protecting the environment and promoting social progress.

Managing relationships with the different stakeholders may not always be simple. We understand that our business has a significant impact on territories, which is why we are committed to cooperate and seek together value-generating solutions as part of our business identity.

Proximity business

Cement is a local business because it is made of raw materials of natural origin coming from quarries located near the plants and most sales of grey cement take place in neighbouring areas.

At Cementir, we maintain a constant dialogue with opinion groups, trade union representatives and institutions of all the communities in which we operate. 
In particularly sensitive areas, such as in Türkiye and Egypt, specific measures have been adopted to engage stakeholders in defining the actions to be implemented or to communicate relevant aspects of plant operations.

Dredger at Aalborg, Denmark
Dialog and support of local communities

The most debated topics with local stakeholders mainly concern permits relating to the use of quarries and the introduction of alternative fuels, the rationalization and, where possible, the reduction of incoming and outgoing traffic transporting raw materials and fuels at the plants, the levels of dust and polluting emissions.

The attention paid to community members was such as to organize, in some cases, meetings with groups of residents in order to provide them with detailed information on our activities.

Our performances in 2023
Aalborg plant, Denmark
Stories and projects

Stories and projects tell what we at Cementir do in our offices around the world.

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