Cementir Holding adopts a matrix-based organizational structure combining the hierarchical reporting of each business unit (B.U.) with functional reporting of professional families.
Internationality, diversity and inclusion are some of the drivers that guide the choice of Group management through targeted market research or internal inter-functional and inter-company career paths on a global scale.
In addition we have to consider the growing attention to sustainability and the environment which today permeates the entire organization at 360 ° and is demonstrated by the constant commitment of Cementir Holding to manage, monitor and report in a transparent manner the performances achieved in the field of sustainability towards the main Stakeholders.

(1) The complete composition of the Board of Directors of Cementir Holding N.V. is described in the "Governance" section.
(2) The Head of Internal Audit reports hierarchically to the Chairman and, through him, from the Board without prejudice of the functional dependence of Internal Audit to the Audit Committee, as the body responsible for overseeing the internal controls and risk management system.