In the Code of Ethics we set the values, principles and vision that guide us in our day by day activities. The document aims to ensure that all people who work with the Group, everywhere in the world, respect laws, act with integrity and participate in building a better tomorrow for the Cementir Group and the community.

The purpose of the Code is to ensure that the Group's activities are conducted in a framework of integrity, correctness and compliance with the laws in force with a view to social responsibility and environmental protection.

The Code applies to anyone in the world who acts in the name and on behalf of Cementir, including all employees and collaborators.

The Group undertakes to ensure that the principles contained in the Code are respected also by the long term business partners, as suppliers and customers.

The Code was approved by the Board of Directors of Cementir Holding N.V.


Ethics Commitee

In order to monitor the continued compliance with the Code of Ethics by those employed by the Company and its subsidiaries and uphold the applicable regulations, the Board of Directors established an Ethics Committee composed of the Group General Counsel (Claudio Criscuolo) and the Group Chief Internal Audit Officer (Franco Doria). The Ethics Committee is also addressed the periodic information report on whistleblowing.

Whistleblowing report

Cementir Holding fully recognizes the importance of Whistleblowing legislation as an effective instrument to prevent illicit activities and allow individuals to exercise their freedom of expression as a fundamental human right.

For this reason, the Group has long since established a specific reporting mechanism through which employees, collaborators, administrators, and third parties in general can report, without fear of retaliation or intimidation, any information regarding potential violations, non-compliant or unlawful behaviors and practices in relation to applicable regulations, including European Union legislation, the Group's Code of Ethics, internal procedures, and the respective companies' Organizational Model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001.

Reports can be submitted through the following channels:

  • Web platform

    A platform which allows all internal and external stakeholders (employees, collaborators, shareholders, partners, etc.) to send Reports to the Internal Audit department, guaranteeing effective and confidential communication as requested by the regulations in force. 
    Access the platform via:
    o    Dedicated website:
    o    Governance section of the Corporate Website:
    o    Group companies’ websites, which include a cross-reference to the Corporate Website.


  • Ordinary mail

    Post reports via ordinary email to:

    Cementir Holding
    Internal Audit Department
    Corso di Francia 200
    00191 Rome, Italy

    To ensure confidentiality, reports should be placed in three envelopes: (i) one for the Whistleblower's contact and general information, (ii) one for the content of the whistleblowing, and (iii) a third envelope containing both the first and the second envelopes.

  • Email

    Reports can also be submitted via email to:


  • Face-to-Face Meeting

    Upon the Whistleblower's request, the report may be made via a face-to-face meeting with the relevant personnel. The meeting will be arranged within a reasonable time after the request, at which the Whistleblower may be asked to clarify or provide further information. Subject to the Whistleblower’s consent, the meeting will be documented and he/she have the opportunity to review the content of the verbatim report. 

Please read the "Whistleblowing Management" Privacy Policy, attached to this website, before proceeding with filing a report.

It is important that reports are adequately detailed in order to identify the individuals involved and the alleged violations reported. The receipt, analysis and beginning of subsequent investigations will be conducted by Cementir’s Internal Audit Department, in compliance with related (the relevant) regulations. The primary objective is to always ensure the highest confidentiality to reporting individuals and a timely and adequate verification of the reported information and/or events, also to prevent any form of retaliation against whistleblowers in good-faith.

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