
Quality assurance for manufacturers of concrete products will be simpler

Danish manufacturers of concrete products have used Aalborg Portland's Excel-based programs for several years to ensure quality in accordance with current product standards and quality requirements. Now, Aalborg Portland launches calculation tools in four new web-based versions, which with easy accessibility, high ease of use and continuous updates should make it even easier for manufacturers to ensure quality and optimize the production of concrete products in future.

In recent years, Aalborg Portland has worked hard to create intuitive, digital and future-oriented versions of its calculation tools that can optimize the production of concrete and concrete products in the Danish construction and civil engineering sector. Last year, Aalborg Portland launched the online versions of the AP Maturity and AP TempSim calculation tools, and now the only Danish cement manufacturer is launching another set of IT tools, commonly referred to as AP Quality. In total, four programs were developed based on the quality manual for the control of concrete products and manage the quality data respectively from the production of paving stones, tiles, curbs and blocks. AP quality programs ensure easy entry of measurement results, an overview of product types and product families, as well as calculation of test statistics, which should help concrete product manufacturers to constantly monitor the production of the finished product . Concrete product manufacturers will also be able to build a good data history and thus get a more in-depth view of their concrete product production.

- Over the past 15 years, many Danish manufacturers of concrete products have benefited from our Excel-based programs to comply with current quality and documentation standards. We have now given a digital boost to the programs to ensure they are always up to date with the latest updates in the manual on concrete goods control quality ,says Jacob Thrysøe, , product engineering consultant at Aalborg Portland, and continues: - - We have thus made it even easier for concrete manufacturers to manage quality documentation. All you need is a browser and an Internet connection..

AP quality therefore provides users with responses if requirements are met in accordance with applicable standards and the quality manual of concrete goods control, when it is time to perform the next test, if the mold is worn and if it has been the required resistance level is reached.

The programs also offer the opportunity to generate all the reports necessary for viewing and summarizing the test results used to document the quality of the product to the certification authorities. And these are properties of great value for a manufacturer of concrete products.

Since AP-quality programs are run online through an Internet browser, users do not rely on locally installed software on separate production computers. The AP quality programs are always updated to the latest standards and control methods and the data is stored securely on the Aalborg Portland servers, which can be accessed by those interested in the associated concrete raw materials sector.

Aalborg Portland has also entered into an agreement with Concrete Goods Control, which means that the recognized control organization has stamped the programs based on quality:

- The quality of the programs is guaranteed by an agreement with the concrete goods control, which reviews and verifies the functioning of the programs. This is the user's guarantee that the programs manage, calculate and evaluate the data entered correctly both now and in the future , concludea Jacob Thrysøe.