
Ce-Mentorship Program: see you at the next edition

It’s not a goodbye but an ‘Arrivederci!’ The end of the Cementorship Program 2022, the international training and induction pilot program launched by the Cementir Group for young graduates from Belgium, Denmark and Turkey comes to an end while launching the appointment for the next edition already in the planning stage thanks to the feedbacks received throughout this first experience. Comments by students are markedly enthusiastic in their desire to participate.

Selcuk, 27, originally from Turkey, is convinced: “I firmly believe in quality and sustainability.” Just like Inga, 25, a Norwegian who moved to Denmark to obtain a degree in chemistry at the University of Aalborg last year : “I want to learn the latest on sustainability and how to apply it in the industry field.”
Quality and sustainability combined with production and maintenance were the core subjects of the Ce-Mentorship Program which – after an initial phase of lessons in the classroom in alternation with on-the-job training – opened the doors of Cementir plants all around the world to the participants followed by their definitive role assignment in the field.

“We were offered the possibility to test ourselves in the Group’s plants”, says one of the participants, “and we thank Cementir for giving us the opportunity to touch the world of the industry first-hand.”
“This experience”, echoes Vincenzo, a young engineer graduated from the Sapienza University of Rome and originally from Calabria, “was essential in starting a professional career.”
‘Mission Accomplished!’, therefore, for the Cementir Group who designed the Program specifically to induct young talent into the world of work, develop their potential, create new skills and invest in the growth of their future leaders.